Ear Infection Antibiotics

Sunday, February 6, 2011
Our ears are organs that are assigned the task of hearing. These organs collect sound which is important for effective communication. Studies shows that this organ is susceptible to infections, especially during childhood. Ear infections are the result of bacteria making their way into the ear canal. However, bacteria can also gain access to ear parts by entering through the nose. Ear pain, runny nose and partial blockage of ear due to formation of pus are some of the common symptoms associated with an ear infection. Antibiotics are considered to be one of the best ear infection remedies.

Ear Infection Medications

Usually, ear infections go away on their own within a week but when the sufferer does not experience any improvement in his ear problem over a period of time, the doctor is left with no option but to prescribe antibiotics. So, which are the antibiotics that help to get rid of ear infections? Information about ear infection antibiotics for adults as well as children is given below:

This oral antibiotic belonging to the penicillin family has been very effective to kill bacteria at the earliest. Intake of low strength amoxicillin tablet once or twice in a day, is all that is required to eliminate this infection in a few days. When antibiotics become necessary to get rid of this annoying issue, taking amoxicillin is the best ear infection treatment.

This antibiotic does not come from pennicillin group but is actually classified as a cephalosporin. The antibiotics that come under the class of cephalosporins can also help to cure a wide range of bacterial infections, including those that affect the ear and the throat. This is one of the ear infection antibiotics that can substantially bring symptoms under control within 2 - 3 days of usage.

Augmentin ES
This medication also comes in the list of ear infection antibiotics but is used only in severe cases. An acute ear infection might not respond to amoxicillin. The person complaining about ear infection symptoms even after taking amoxicillin for 3 - 4 days, is an indication of its ineffectiveness in eliminating the bacteria. In such cases, doctor recommend augmentin ES, that is actually a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. This antibacterial combination is a powerful enough to destroy the bacteria. The antibiotic resistance shown by the bacteria to amoxicillin, doesn't work in front of augmentin ES, which is a stronger version of amoxicillin. Augmentin ES certainly works to stop the episodes of recurring ear infection.

In some cases, it is observed that the patient experiences frequent bouts of vomiting, during a severe ear infection. In such circumstances, taken the medicine orally would not be a good option. So, doctors go for ceftriaxone (rocephin), which can be administered only through injections. This is one of the ear infection antibiotics that is given only when it is found that the bacteria is resistant to amoxicillin. Ceftriaxone belonging to the cephalosporin family, is an intravenous medications, that has a high success rate in effective management of acute ear infections.

It is advised that patients complete the duration of antibiotic treatment and refrain from discontinuing the medicine after ear infection symptoms subside. This will help to prevent recurrence of ear infections. Keep in mind that antibiotics for ear infections have to be taken only when conservative treatment method fail to reduce the symptoms. In case the bacterial infection doesn't go away in a week's time, one can opt for ear infection antibiotics but should first consult a doctor to know about their exact dosage. Antibiotic treatment can be troublesome if these prescription medications are not taken in the right dosage. So make sure these antibiotics are consumed as instructed by the doctor.
By Nicks J
Published: 7/19/2010

Natural Antibiotics

Natural antibiotics are always considered to a better option over the regular ones. Absence of side-effects is one of the reasons. Moreover, the pathogens are becoming immune even to heavy doses due to the overuse of antibiotics. The instances of infections resulting from intake of antibiotics has aggravated the problem even more. Let us understand about the role of the natural antibiotics from the point of curing diseases and maintaining our overall health.

What are Natural Antibiotics?

As the name suggests, the natural antibiotics are prepared without any artificial substances and have a natural origin. Mineral and naturally occurring plant extracts are the main ingredients of these natural antibiotics. Let us understand what are natural antibiotics and find examples of the same through information presented in the article.

What are some Natural Antibiotics?

The information about examples of natural antibiotics and their use in curing infections is presented below. Garlic, citricidal, colloidal silver and vitamin C are the commonly used natural antibiotics.

Garlic: The open wounds during the First World War were treated by making use of garlic. Prevention of infection was the purpose behind using garlic. Problems like throat infections and minor ear problems too are treated with garlic. It can therefore, be included in the list of foods that are natural antibiotics.

Colloidal Silver: The solution of colloidal silver is made by dispersing fine particles of silver in a suitable liquid. Water filters are the devices in which silver finds application as a natural antibiotic. It is used in water filters to prevent the growth of bacteria. The disruption of enzyme-systems of bacteria is carried out by colloidal silver. It is due to this reason that silver finds use in the treatment of infections. Information about how to cure a yeast infection naturally should help.

Vitamin C: A variety of infections are treated with the help of vitamin C. This natural antibiotic has to be used in high doses. The infections which cause diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and polio are treated by means of vitamin C. The vitamin is also used for the treatment of infections observed in AIDS. Vitamin C plays an important role in production of white blood cells. Fighting off the bacteria therefore, becomes easier with the help of vitamin C.

Citricidal: Seeds of grapefruit are the source for obtaining citricidal. Dr Louis Parish discovered the use of citricidal as a natural antibiotin in the year 1976. The infections that citricidal tackles are those caused by bacteria, viral agents and fungi.

Natural Antibiotics for Tooth Infection

The loss of enamel is the main sign of any kind of tooth infection. It shows the degree of damage caused to the teeth. Cavities in the tooth or trauma are generally the reasons behind tooth infections. If not treated in time, the infections can lead to the development of abscesses and fever. A black teabag is one of the best natural antibiotics used in the treatment of tooth infection. The teabag is placed between gum of teeth and cheek overnight in order to treat this problem. Use of garlic capsules too is made in the treatment of tooth infection. These capsules have to be taken 3 times a day. The course need to be continued for a period 5 days.

The natural antibiotics though offer a lot of benefits, research carried in this field is far lesser in comparison to that of pharmaceutical ones. There are problems in the field of natural antibiotics research like the difficulty in patenting, lesser amounts of profits, etc. However, ones should try and obtain maximum information about natural antibiotics and make use of them to have better health.

The information pertaining to natural antibiotics presented in this article should help in finding options for the regular/artificial antibiotics. Anything that is natural has lesser (or no) side-effects and allows the treatment in a proper manner. Get more information about antibiotics side effects. As far as possible, natural antibiotics need to be used for treatment of infections.

By Shashank Nakate
Published: 1/18/2011